Saturday, February 20, 2021

Toxic Masculinity No Match for Diva & Friends

Let's just say today was memorable, informative, and empowering!

Took today off so I could spend the day in Portland hitting a bunch of Goodwills with Viking. First stop was the GW Boutique in Lake Oswego. They offer higher end, name brand items at expensive prices.  The boutiques just don't do it for me.  I'd rather search for a bargain treasure than pay full price for used clothing that I could buy on sale or clearance brand new at a lower price!  Pass!

This is a Google photo and not me FYI

Think we were at our second or third GW when I received a message from someone I had never met.  She asked if she could speak to me about a mutual friend and, although she was nervous about having a conversation, she felt it was in our best interests to do so.  She stated that we women need to stick together.  

Putting two and two together I let her know I would call her later in the evening as I was tied up all day. But something i.e., my inner voice, told me the conversation was going to be about Viking and I was not going to like it one bit.  

I kept playing it cool, not letting on that trouble was floating on wind. We had a nice lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory then continued on to Goodwill in Newberg and King City. I found a perfect tee shirt for myself as shown below.  Is this not me or what?

It was a long day and I was ready to drive home.  Bid adieu to Viking, hit the road, and called my new FB friend Smart Cookie.  Yep, just as I suspected...Viking, of whom we shall now refer to as Toxic Boy, had recently met up through FB dating with this gal, exchanging text and FaceTime, all the while stating we were no longer seeing each other. Thankfully, Smart Cookie put two and two together, gathered her courage and messaged me because she was so disgusted with TB's behavior.

We actually had a funny, enlightening conversation.  I was then in a new situation where I needed to blow the horn on TB's scheme but do it in the best way possible, savoring each bit of fencing maneuver as Toxic Boy's scheme was laid bare.  I marinated various scenarios in my head during my drive home.

Please note that I was reviewing the situation with a clear head. Despite his urgent pleas and repeated words of love and destiny, I didn't and don't love Viking.  In fact, it is almost a sense of relief that this outcome occurred.  No crying, no gnashing of teeth, and I'm in excellent spirits.  It's not about me - it's about a damaged man who does not understand the importance of trust and respect in order for a relationship to be successful.  It's a sad case of a little boy with low self-esteem who is obsessed with being continually validated within his deluded fixation on romance and love. This has nothing to do with me.

Back to the fruition of my plan. I texted TB and let him know I had arrived home. I then let him know I would be texting him some pictures.  He responded with "sexy pictures?" and I replied "Definitely."

I then texted him a couple of incriminating screenshots from the conversation and Face Time my new friend had sent me. Once sent, I said "Sexy enough?"  Oh, I was dying over this exchange!

He sent a text then called and we held a very short conversation which ended with my instruction to never contact me again. To ensure my directive would be followed, I blocked him on everything. And if he tries to reach out to Smart Cookie he will find she has blocked him too. Nothing better than two women putting a toxic boy in his place!

Whew that was a long story!! Here's to good riddance to bad rubbish with an unexpected blessing of gaining a new friend!

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