Thursday, February 3, 2022

Crafts, Cake, and Commotion

Work, crafts, family and birthday have kept me a hoppin!

Twin Todd came to visit last Saturday so we could have lunch and celebrate our birthday.  I gifted him a painting of his cabin, which included his almost 18 year old dog Copper. He gifted me a box filled with The Queen of Everything cup, candles, and soap - he knows me too well.

Celebrated birthday on Sunday with kids over for dinner.  First soiree at the house and the decibel level increased substantially.  Received cards, cash, cake and a new zip up sweatshirt.  In the mornings I normally wear an old pink, tattered hoodie so was pleased as punch to receive a new teal sweatshirt from Jordan and Candy.  

On to the crafts!  Performed my beach magic on a vintage wooden potty chair Todd had given me eons ago. Turned put fabulous. 

Also painted a globe lightbulb and placed it in my beach window box.   

Scrubbed the rust away with a Brillo pad from a coffee/tea scale Erin gifted me. 

Received a Home sign for my birthday so painted that last night.  

Tonight painted some more glass tealight globes and dangled them from a fishing pole holder.  

Painted a bunch of shells in shades of blue and slapped some aqua on picture mats.  Grabbed a beach hat along with a woven bag Erin made and hung those to cover the washer/dryer faucet.  Whew!!

 Tonight on-line a mom posted that her son found a painted rock and sure enough it was one of mine that was first hidden in November!

Along with crafts I'm currently working on my poems for the annual Haikufest contest. The theme this year is Chinese New Year and Zodiac. Not an easy topic but plan on finishing the five allowed.  Here's one completed that you may enjoy:

Chinese Zodiac
Surely I'm a fierce Tiger
Alas, just a Pig

And I've got a list of more crafts to begin the weekend!  Wee bit obsessed but there are worse habits out there to be addicted.

Happy February!!!

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