Sunday, October 26, 2014

Welcome to My WTF Weekend!!

I'm happy to have this Sunday to recover my weekend, which included the following:

Girl's Night Out - Saturday night a bunch of us girls, including my Blue Jacket Divas Perla and Jan, all carpooled to King's Buffet in Vancouver for a seafood dinner.  Done with dinner, we visited TJ Maxx and Burlington in Jantzen Beach before making our way to the club at Red Lion.  It had been ages since my last visit there but it was still fun.  We drank, we danced, we people-watched, and we laughed.  Michael's sister Angela met us there as well; she and I have the best time together!  We finally rolled out of there around midnight, which made for a 1am bedtime for me!

On Line Dating - It's all coming back to me now; the first few days were an adventure but now I'm getting into weird territory.  Been chatting and texting with tons of men - older, younger, professional, blue collar - I'm an equal opportunity dater.  However, I'm now going to refer to it as WTF on-line dating due to all the weirdness involved!!

Ended up meeting with a local PhD for coffee Friday night.  Tall, nice looking Midwesterner who has a long-term professional job.  Talked until we closed the coffee shop down then sat in the parking lot and talked and flirted some more. Cool, he has promise I thought.  That is, until the next day when he emailed me a picture of his private parts. WTF??  Apparently his PhD stands for Penis Here-on Display!

Saturday morning a very nice Portland insurance professional called me and we chatted for about an hour.  Great guy, intelligent, and the conversation flowed.  Haven't heard back from him since - WTF?

Also had an offer for dinner Saturday night from another normal-appearing local guy.  Had to make a rain check since I had plans with the girls,  We then made plans for Sunday lunch.  Sunday rolls around and he cancels because he is sick.  Another WTF?  Shit or get off the pot people!!!

With the rest of the men we've simply been exchanging messages or text.  Some "appear" normal while others are obviously not for this gal.  At least I take all of this with a grain of salt and a sense of humor!!  You've got to laugh or you will....well, laugh hysterically!!!

Today I cleaned  my room and watched the Seahawks game (they won!) while wearing my new Seahawks jersey.  My next entertainment was to Fred Meyer where I wandered around aimlessly while responding to continuing WTF text.  Arriving home, I made three pumpkin bread loaves and took a nap.  Tonight is The Walking Dead so I can watch the scary, undead creatures on TV rather than via my phone!!

Let's make it a wonderful all has to go up from here!!!  Ahead of me for this week is calling every night to see if I've been called for jury duty; in addition, my regular gyno exam will be Wednesday morning.  All of this is working toward my two free nights and Halloween costume party at Spirit Mountain starting on Friday.  Can't wait til this week is officially over!!!

Perla and I being witchy
Crazy regular channeling Michael Jackson

Us girls!

My new Hawks shirt!

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