Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Battles, Broadchurch, and Baking

Life has been happening which has left no room for my blog!

Last week was one of personal stress. One sister is going through a tough time and my daughter in law has also been fighting some battles. Both situations occurred on the same day within minutes of each other. Nothing makes your heart stop more than having a sister call you twice and your son once within ten minutes while I was at work. I knew something was wrong.

Stepped outside to call both back. Stressful calls and when done went back to my desk. My co-workers asked if I was okay and I immediately burst into tears! Had to leave work early as my brain was not in production mode. Saying my prayers to help each get through successfully their battles.

Returned to work the next day and my co-worker Pam brought me a rose from her garden to lift my spirits . Isn't it gorgeous??!!

Over the weekend did my favorite activity to relax - baking. Made whoopie pies and cherry pie bars, which (well, most of them anyway) went into the freezer. 

Trimmed Stubbs on Saturday and gave him a bath. Sunday took him on the back porch to trim his nails. What a nightmare! He was so wound up he was levitating off my lap as I straddled him to clip his nails. It was like trying to hold on to the Tasmanian Devil and give it a manicure!

Sunday got a few photos developed at Walgreens. Also stopped at Walmart for the auto dudes to fill up the air in my tires. The tire pressure symbol had come on the dash. This rarely occurs so had to dig the manual out to see what that symbol actually meant. Whew, just tire air not "car is about to explode" symbol.

This week started training our new hire in Tacoma. Been doing it using phone and screen share, which frustrated the holy hell outof me! Can be challenging to coordinate what screen you are going to share, if the person can see it and tackle a process when you've never used it before. I like my tasks to move along quickly and efficiently and this mode of training slowed me down. Grrrr!

Summer has finally arrived. These past few days have been sunshine and heatwave into the 90's. Nothing puts a person in a good mood like seeing blue sky. The boob sweat and humid air I could live without, however.

Last week started watching English crime series Broadchurch, which stars former Dr. Who David Tennant and Oscar winner Olivia Colman. It was awesome! Ended up binge watching all three seasons then started The Killers, set in Seattle, which is an American version set up in a similar way as Broadchurch.

And that's it! Consider my blog caught up!

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