Sunday, October 11, 2020

Ganglian, Galibi, and Grove

Last week was packed to the max with activities!

Doctor's appointment for a checkup Wednesday morning. Vitals and blood work and even weight all looked good.  Have had a bump on my foot for the last few months. Is it a bone spur? Blood clot? Cancer? Doc looked it over and diagnosed it as a harmless ganglion cyst. Last time I was diagnosed with one of those I was about 10.  Had just learned to cartwheel and spent hours upon hours practicing my newfound acrobatic skills...wound up with a cyst on my wrist.  No reason to worry so got my flu shot and went on my way.

Spent Wednesday afternoon on a 4-hour CRM Finance webinar. Standard deviation, bar charts, mean and mode does not make for an enthusiastic session and for that reason I started the hardest class first to get it out of the way.

Thursday morning off to the dentist for a cleaning then continued the financial webinar Thursday afternoon.  Highlight of Thursday was when new beau, of whom shall be referred to as the Viking, came to visit and take me to dinner.  We had our sights set on Chinese as we had both been jonesin for it since we first met.  First Chinese place - takeout only.  Second - takeout only.  We drove to three more places and all were takeout only!!!  Only Asian place open was a new Korean joint; after reading the menu decided to skip it as Bulgari, Galibi, and Donkatsu were not in our vernacular and we weren't in the mood to roll the restaurant dice. At that point the hangry had set in so we gave up and hit Stuffy's for chow.

Short day of work on Friday so my Viking returned.  Lots of running around showing him the sights of Cowlitz County including my favorite Willow Grove.  We walked downtown Longview, having lunch at Cow Deli and hitting the thrift shops.  Viking found  sweater for himself and dinosaur head for his daughter; I found a $2 vest and sunglasses.   

Friday night we gave in to our craving, picked up the damn takeout Chinese, and shared dinner with Stan and Susan.  Those two are so funny it was hard to eat we were laughing so hard. It was a great end to our Friday. 

Saturday was recruited to watch Haylie, my 5-year old great grandaughter (by marriage mind you.)  She calls me Grandma G.G. for great grandma. She had new jeans that were a bit too big so we headed to Goodwill to find her a belt.  Of course clearance queen that I am, found her several bargains, including a vest and holiday dress, each for a $1.50.  And of course the belt for $1.  

Arriving home, Susan's grandchildren were visiting so the rest of the day Haylie hung out with them. Easiest babysitting job I've ever had!  Highlight for the kids were the mummy cupcakes Susan made - yum!

Saturday also included the viewing of Stan receiving a new gun safe.  He thought it was 600 pounds when in reality it was 1,200 pounds. Six store employees loaded it and just two son-in-laws unloaded it. Was quite the sight and sound if you include the moaning, grunting and swearing involved in the process.

Now it's Sunday and the rain is pouring!!! It's going to be a day of R&R binge watching the second season of "You" on Netflix.  Counting the days until Friday when Viking is taking me to Hood River for an early celebration of his upcoming birthday. Will make a jaunt to the Washington side to spend time with Julie, Eilene, and Mary Jane. I have no doubt he will pass the family scrutiny with flying colors.  Viking also knows of a boutique Goodwill in Hood River so that is high on my Gorge to-do list!  Five days and counting til our next adventure!!  

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