Monday, January 25, 2021

Odds and Ends

If you haven't been under a rock, you've had to have seen all the Bernie Sanders mitten memes floating around. Not sure why, but these crack me up!!!

Was grocery shopping and ran across this ice cream. Couldn't help myself so picked it up. It is so tasty! Yummy coconut with tangy, sharp mango with a kick sherbet running through it.  Try'll like it!

Here's an odd one. Was surfing the web and ran across an article about people who met a celebrity in some weird way.  The following was posted saying when the kid was 11 he played chess against Morgan Freeman. What struck me was that the chess player looks just like my friend Michael, who passed in 2014 and not Morgan Freeman. Scarily so. I searched all over to find an article with details about this casual match; only found a Reddit article that had been archived.  So strange I may continue searching to see when and where this picture was taken.

Worked almost five hours today to get on top of tasks. Then spent time doing -yes, you guessed it - painting. Decided to follow up the Don Knotts rock with Willy Wonka.

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