Thursday, July 20, 2023

Boo to Bloom

When I was a child, I was a tomboy. Spent my time fishing, riding horses, swimming, and playing with garter snakes and dead mice.  In middle school my favorite outfit was bib overalls and tennis shoes. I did not discover the sheer joy of fashion and makeup until my later years in high school.

Perhaps for this reason, I'm bothered by the following advertisement for children's cosmetics.  True Bloom makeup line is being marketed to young girls - toddlers even as shown in the pictures below of a 3 to 4 year old.

Why would girls under five and those in elementary school need makeup? We're talking blush, eye shadow, and lip gloss.  There's plenty of time for that when they are older.  

Up to the age of six is when a person is imprinted with core beliefs and experiences that shape them as a person. So when boys are being told they are tough and can rule the world just as they are, girls are being told they need greasepaint to be acceptable and their original selves are not good enough. 

On one hand, there's playful face painting and dressing up in your mom's heels.  But this is not your mom's red lipstick - these are full -fledged makeup kits aimed at vulnerable young girls. And I don't like it!

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