Sunday, September 23, 2012

Diva Day at the Mall

The way they look is fab but knocking a couple off is not fun.  I'm talking about my acrylic nails.  One became cracked so I removed it via 100% accetone and my nail clippers; another one painfully was ripped off my finger when I caught it in a latch.  Big ouch.   And blood.  This led to my decision to have them removed, which occurred Saturday.

Michael and I made our way to the local mall for the nail extrapolation procedure.  However, our first stop was at the hair salon.  My hair needed a serious trim; as is my life, I'm once again trying to grow my locks out.  But it needed some serious shaping and thinning.  Thick hair is a blessing and a curse; it grows but can easily expand into fro-territory.

New color - not cut - like this
After explaining my hair needs, Audry trimmed my hair.  During the cut, there was a hair color picture that drew my attention. It called me.  It sang to me.  Must get hair colored, it spoke.  And I listened.  When Audrey was done snipping, and after consulting with Michael, the hair dye decision was done!  She said it would only take 1.50 hours but the blond and brown color application became more like two hours.  It then became apparent that my Michael has the patience of Job!  He sat.  He waited.  He rolled his eyes a time or two, especially at the behavior of Audrey's co-workers.  It was worth the wait as my hair turned out beyond fab!  Great color, super cut and Michael survived.

We then made our way to the opposite end of the mall in order to have my nails removed.  A little bit of soaking, a tad of filing, and the job was done.  Gone were the beautiful long talons, replaced with chubby stubbies! 
After a late lunch at Izzy's, we made our way home where we promptly took a nap!  Perhaps it was the mall trip, or maybe the night before when we watched The Entity (freaky movie with Barbara Hershey before lip implants), but we were tired! Unfortunately, Michael began to feel sick (we believe it may have been the "Izzy flu", a common occurrence when one partakes in the indulgence of buffet food) so we kicked back the rest of the night. 

Today, after sleeping in, we did a few errands then spent the rest of the day chillaxin at my crib (okay, okay, just couldn't resist typing that phrase.)   I was able to catch up on all my overlooked magazines, took a nap, ignored the football Michael was watching, and generally caught up on some much needed R&R.  It was heaven!!

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