Sunday, September 23, 2012

Neverending Friday

Friday found me bright and early hitting the doctor's office for a follow-up appointment.  Rather than spending a $20 co-pay for a short visit, I figured I'd cram a whole list of items in so I got my monies worth.  My visit included:

Medication and vitals check up - everything good.

Shin Rash - I've had an annoying rash that raises it ugly head now and then which I decided needed a diagnoses.  Doctor said it is eczema, which is a side product of asthma.....doesn't it figure.  She prescribed me higher strength hydro cortisone to get rid of it....ahhh, relief!

Elbow Pain - About two months ago I slammed my elbow into my car door....the kind of accidental ouch that makes a person double over, sweat and almost vomit it hurts so bad.  Well, the pain has not subsided so it was time to address it with the doc.  She pulled, she turned, she poked, then she prescribed an x-ray.  Since it can take a day or two, the elbow verdict has not yet been given but I'm anxious to hear what is wrong.  The doctor said it could also still be healing and perhaps I just need to be patient, a virtue for which I'm sorely lacking.

Flu Shot - It's that time of year so figured an injection was due.

After the appointment and x-ray (and picking up a very yummy cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks in the hospital), I stopped at Goodwill to drop off four bags of clothing then made my way home to pick up Jordan and Michael.  We made our way to the local DMV so Jordan could obtain an ID card.  As always, the DMV was full of people; in addition, a combination of smoke and mildewy must lingered in the air.  Ugh.  At least the line was moving quick so we were not there long. 

Leaving DMV we hit another hot spot - the Social Security office.  Yep, it was a hot time in the old town of Kelso on Friday with all these excursions.  Both Jordan and Sam needed another copy of their SS cards; unfortunately, after waiting similar to DMV, Jordan was unable to order a new copy because he only had a paper copy of his ID card. 

The day was flying by!  Our next stop was to drop Jordan off for a job interview at the local casino, a task for which he was so definitely excited!  We waited in the parking lot until he was through.  Michael was able to get a bird's eye view of the Longview locals who appeared to either be homeless or inebriated.  Next to us a small car pulled up with a rather thin, thickly bearded and long-haired man who proceeded to crack his car door, recline his seat, and promptly took a nap, bundled up with his three dogs resting peacefully on or around him.  Rather than a homey Norman Rockwell picturesque scene, it was something out of a Scared Straight documentary.

After an hour, the interview was done; we grabbed Sam from home then promptly turned back around to town.  As if we were government addicts, we made another stop to the Social Security office to get a copy of Sam's card.  Success!!  We then made our way to the restaurant section of Kelso so the boys could apply for jobs.  Yep, too much time on their hands means working time has arrived, although Sam was not too thrilled with this idea.  Work in fast food?  Oh the horror!  The disgrace!  Jordan was in good spirits but Sam was downtrodden, until he found out that most of the places were reluctant to hire under 18-year olds.  That put a big smile on his face! 

Back to the house, dropped off the young men, then back into town to pick up groceries.  By the time we finished up, we were pooped!  Friday had an early start and a late ending but was definitely fruitful!!

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