Monday, September 10, 2012

Hello Monday!

Oh how my days jumble one into the other! 

After taking the initiative to change my password on my laptop, I promptly forgot it and was locked out!  It took a few days, but a solution was found and finally Friday I was able to get back on line.

Friday evening found my Michael attending the Bonnie Raitt/Mavis Staples concert at Edgefield McMenimins, sitting in the VIP area courtesy of his buddy.  Around 10 pm he was back to his place and we said our goodnights over the phone.  Imagine my surprise when around midnight I awoke to see Michael's face!  I thought I was dreaming but it was actually him, leaning over me to say hello.  What a sweetie!  He also took videos of the concert so I could see how great Bonnie still is.

Saturday found Jordan and I making a visit to see Dad.  It had been a very long time since I'd seen him and I thought it would be nice if Jordy could tag along with me.  We ran into stepmom Arlene at the home, which was a nice coincidence.  We then made our way into the group room where Dad lay sleeping on the couch, covered with an afghan.

Although it was nice to see him, it was also disturbing, especially for Jordan.  Here was a man who used to be full of stories, dominating the conversation, who was now a fragile shell of himself.  We woke him to say hello, not sure if he remembered us or not.  We only stayed a short time; at our departure, Jordan voiced his anger over the situation.  After a long conversation about life, death, Alzheimer's, and the perceived unfairness of life, we made our way over to the DMV as Jordan needed an ID card.

We pulled our number (319) and waited, and waited, and waited some more.  Once up to the counter, the clerk then asked for Jordan's Social Security number.  I searched, Jordan searched, and we could not find the damn number!  The ID card couldnt' be issued without it, so we departed the DMV then sat in the car and tried to get on line with Jordan's computer.  I logged onto TurboTax, where I knew I could find his Social Security number.  Blocked!  It was hot in the car, after Dad's visit Jordan and I were both cranky, and we decided to pack it in and go on home!  The ID card will have to wait for another day.

Once home, Michael and I made our way to Walmart then back home where I made enchiladas for dinner.  We watched the movie Gone (was okay but no classic) then hit the hay,

Sunday was a day for relaxation.  I have such a guilt complex I feel lazy if I'm not accomplishing 202 things during the day; however, I pushed through my guilt to sleep in, go out to breakfast, then home to take a nap.  After Michael and the boys fixed the garage door (yes, the bane of my existence needed a little tweaking), he departed for home.  I popped over to window shop at the Kelso mall before coming home to make dinner, pay bills, balance my checkbook, then paint my nails.  I also celebrated via email my sister Eilene's new hair color (see picture.) I then finished off my remaining weekend by watching the Tyler Perry movie I Can Do Bad All By Myself.  And now it's Monday!!

Have a fabulous week Divas!  A big shout out to Diva Adriana, who is celebrating her birthday today!!!  And another heartfelt thank you to my man - your Friday surprise was memorable and made me so happy!
Eilene's new do

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