Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lifetime - More Than a Movie!!

This weekend has been busy yet relaxing.  Michael and I were separated by distance this weekend so we could only spend time with each other via text and phone.  However, I found ways to fill up my days!

Friday evening after collaging baby pics together I created a 50th birthday bash invite for twin Todd and my party this month.  Weren't we cute?  My stepmother is kind enough to host a bash for us at the end of this month; she and my sister are conspiring to make it a success and I can't wait to celebrate my 50th birthday with friends and family.  I sent the invite out via text and hope everyone can make it!
Saturday I spent cleaning my room, the kitchen, picked up the downstairs, did a couple loads of laundry, and just simply completed tasks needing to be done.  I took a break in the middle of the day to swing by Target for a prescription and, of course, while I was there I perused the clearance and makeup aisles.  I also carried around in my cart a signed copy of Cameron Diaz' new body book but at the last minute changed my mind.  However, some of the items that came home with me included:

New Cover Girl TruMagic skin perfector balm, which appears to be a knock off from Mally Roncal's "no-powder" powder.  I've been itching to try her product after reading about it and seeing her pitch it on QVC; however, at $30+ it seemed a bit steep as a tester.  The Cover Girl product was more in line with my budget so figured I'd try it out.  After using it today, the jury is still out.....haven't decided if it is quite the "powder" replacement it claims to be.

In the clearance aisle there was a NYX pink-based kit of lip liner, lipstick, plumper, and gloss for $4.  Nice score on my favorite products....lip gloss!!

The score of the day was Holiday Glade - regularly $2.99 for 88 cents!  Smells yummy too!!!

Coming home, I spent Saturday evening coloring my roots along with adding a few reddish-brown streaks to my hair.  Turned out great but come Sunday morning it seemed to need a few more blond streaks so tonight I took care of that issue....all is good in the hair world now!

Also spent part of the day on Saturday watching Man of Steel with Sam.  He had seen it before so he filled me in on the background data.  While it was a good movie, it seemed to go on and on and on.  Over two hours long and there were several climaxes that could have ended the movie appropriately.  However, it was apparent I hadn't fulfilled my movie quotient for the day because Saturday evening I watched a Lifetime movie titled "Blindsided" revolving around a newly blind woman and ruffians coming to her home. Of course during this time I proceeded to describe the movie blow by blow to Michael on the phone.  God bless him for putting up with my ramblings!!!

This morning after changing my sheets and finishing up the last load of laundry, I took a break to browse at Ross.  You would not believe the beyond empty shoe aisles for size 8 to 8.5!!  It was a hoofers ghost town!!! 

On a side note, the last time I was at Goodwill I picked up the book "How to Never Look Fat Again" by Charla Krupp.  I already own her book "How to Never Look Old Again"; this book was also a good read with super tips.  I thought back on the tips in this book as I held a long, hooded zebra print cardigan in my hands at Ross; tempted as I was, I backed away from the animal print then picked up a more flattering alternative of black pants and cardigan for work.  Whew!!
Yeah, maybe not the best look!

Tonight was spent preparing a scrumptious dinner of baked chicken and orzo before painting my nails while watching, yes, another Lifetime movie - The Stepfather.   It just ended and a Sandra Bullock film is coming on next so, to be honest, I have to now admit I'm a Lifetime junkie!!!

Here's to a great rest of Sunday evening and an even better Monday!!!

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