Monday, November 10, 2014

Time to Shine!

It's kind of interesting being single and dating again this time around.  I think the last year was overwhelming for me with stress and it caused me to shut down and become more of an introvert, encapsulated with worry.  Now, with the stress behind me, the joy that has been missing from my life has returned.  I smile more, laugh easily, joke, banter, and flirt.  I've begun to enjoy the gym more and look forward to working out on a daily basis.  And it seems my new optimism and positivity that I'm exuding has resulted in an increase of positive vibes being returned back to me, like a boomerang.  I feel good about myself, my confidence is higher, and in general I'm just plain happy.

This new found happiness has resulted in some surprising outcomes.  Over the last month the amount of attention and flirting toward me has increased substantially.  Men look at me approvingly, smile more, and in general flirt with me.  Compliments have increased and their behavior toward me has been surprising - I'm not used to it.  But instead of avoiding it, my smile grows bigger and this seems to encourage more interaction with all people, not just men, toward me.  Filling up my gas tank, a stranger smiles at me and we begin to chat.  While grocery shopping people strike up conversations with me.  In addition, my witty banter and sense of humor has turned up twenty notches, resulting in some gut splitting laughter with friends, co-workers, and dates.  It's unexpected but I'm enjoying every minute of it,

It's also resulted in dates...several dates.  My social calendar is filling up faster than when I was in my twenties!  My dance card has been full and I'm enjoying the ride.

Another habit I've picked up is to bestow good thoughts upon others.  There is an app I use frequently - Whisper.  It's a place where people anonymously write their secrets.  Whenever I read a secret that expresses self-doubt in girls/women (i.e., I can't make my boyfriend happy; I'm so lonely; etc.) I send them an anonymous, life-affirming message encouraging them to take different, positive steps for their lives.  I hope it helps.

Perhaps 50 isn't the life ending age I originally thought it may be.  I'm feeling healthy, strong, beautiful, happy, confident and optimistic - better than when I was in my thirties or forties.  Here's a toast to enjoying, and continuing, this time in my life!

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