Monday, August 12, 2019

Garage Sale A Success

Jordan and Candy stopped by Friday to dig out some shelves from the garage for the Lexington community sale on Saturday.  Then Sam and his buds Cody and Tyler came to my rescue Friday night. They hauled all the heavy items out of the house and helped me set up for the sale on Saturday. Was a real blessing and it was nice to catch up with the boys.

Saturday morning I awoke early, cleaned up, then began finishing the set up in the driveway. Thankfully we had covered the outside items with sheets so they avoided most of the rain that fell the previous night.  Of course a few Lookie Lou's showed up at 7:30 sniffing around. At least I made a $50 sale from one of them.

Surprisingly, my first sell of the day was a piece of driftwood I had crafted into a raven-haired mermaid. The guy who bought it was so impressed it gave me a warm fuzzy.

The rest of the day is a blur. Tons of people and a lot of my items went quickly. Both my painted sewing machine tables went to the same lady. Trunks, older dressers, and lots of my craft items were snatched up quickly. Even ceramic platters I painted back in 2005 were big hits.

A few of my co-workers stopped by, some in perfect timing as more coffee and a bathroom break were on my mind. No more rain but it was hot and muggy throughout the day.

Just when my supply of merchandise was dwindling down Sam, Kaitlyn, and her daughter Chloe showed up about noon with tons of inventory.  Men's, juniors, and little girl clothing along with toys and decor rallied up the items for sale.

Good friends Stan and Susan came over and stayed for quite awhile to visit and do some people watching. Highlights included a young gal browsing while she had a snake wrapped around her neck. Shortly after she left a man showed up carrying his pet rabbit.

Finally began cleaning up the garage sale about 6pm. It was a long hot but productive day. That night shared pizza with Sam, Kaitlyn and Chloe and finished off the bottle of tropical Moscato wine received from my team outing a couple of weeks ago. Really hit the spot!

Now on to this week's chore - packing up my essential items for storage. Have sold the house and the movers will be here Saturday to take my items to storage. Closing will occur on Monday.  Will be staying with friend Marie until I figure out my next steps and find a place to purchase which will definitely be much smaller.  Will be a big change for Stubbs and me but we are ready for our next adventure!

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