Sunday, August 4, 2019

Team Bonding with a Splash of Cocktails, Heat, and Retail Therapy

Didn't have to work on Saturday but did spend a fabulous afternoon with my co-workers!

Carpooled with team member Anthony about 10:45 to downtown Portland to meet up with everyone.  Weather was gorgeous - blue skies and sunshine! We were the first ones at Mother's Bistro so we relaxed in the adjoining hotel lobby while waiting for the other four members of our team. Pam and Deb arrived so we finagled our way to the table. Policy was no seating without a full party so Anthony said they were "in the bathroom."  Unfortunately they were running late due to their commute from Tacoma. To bide our time we ordered peach Bellinis and appetizers - calamari, toasted ravioli, and hummus.

Finally the remaining two appeared and we settled in to break bread. And order another drink, this time an Italian Aperol Spritz. What is that you say? Here's the recipe. It was a light, yummy glass of sparkling delight. It also reminds me that I have a bottle of Prosecco in my fridge so homemade Aperol spritzes may be in my near future!  And for those who don't know (like me yesterday) Aperol has a "strong orange and mandarin orange flavor with a nice balance between a cinchona and gentian bitterness and an easy sugary sweetness."  Thank you Google.

Aperol Spritzer


  • 3 parts prosecco
  • 2 parts Aperol
  • 1 part soda water
  • Slice of orange


  1. Pour the Aperol into the glass first, over ice (we like to serve ours in a large bowl-style wine glass).
  2. Add the prosecco.
  3. Add the soda water.
  4. Top with a slice of orange and enjoy!
Lunch arrived and we conversed, and ate, and laughed, and ate, and chatted and ate some more. Even shared three types of dessert! Folded in half in the booth it wasn't until I extricated myself that all that food goodness - appetizers, turkey ruben, two drinks and dessert - lowered itself into my gut and I was full. Okay, not just full but stomach bloating, belly bursting akin to the poor starving children with tummies extended due to malnutrition and gastric inflammation. But in an abundance of fries, hummus, and cheesecake way.

After three hours celebrating how much we enjoyed each other's company, we all departed but not before MJ bestowed us each with a bottle of wine, each specific to our tastes. Mine was Tropical Moscato - light and fruity sweetness.

After lunch Pam and I ventured out to partake in retail therapy and walk off our bloat.  The weather had become quite warm so as we trekked through downtown P-Town the sweat came shining through. In honor of Keep Portland Weird I had worn shorts, tank top, and a tie-dye lightweight cotton cardigan. One finds out how lightweight it isn't once you've walked in high eighty degree weather. Confirmation that bloating, heat and sweat does not a pretty picture make.  

My goal was to pick up a few items for my secret pal at work. She's in the Seattle office so we've never met but I do have a list of her favorite things. Dinosaurs, unicorns, biology, and her dog.  Hmmm an interesting mix so the challenge was on to round up an eclectic assortment of items.

Pam is a Portland born and raised gal so she took the lead on our shopping adventure. Hit Ross then on to Pioneer Place. At one point grabbed an iced coffee to give ourselves a very much needed boost. 

It was probably around 6:30pm that we conceded defeat in our retail excursion. Wound up with several unicorn, dog and  dinosaur gifts for my secret pal so the goal was met.  Bags in hand and swelling in feet we made our way to the car.  The heat may have affected Pam's brain cells as there was a bit of a hiccup in finding the car ala "It's on floor 8 of the garage, no it's on 7, no I think it's on 8."  We were wandering the empty parking garage as if we were in a Twilight Zone episode of The Walking Dead. Did take a moment to record for prosperity the view from floor 8.

Found the car then made our way out of Portland and hit the freeway for home. Thank you Pam for being the driver on our Saturday adventure!

Today after coffee my plan is to begin organizing for next weekend's garage sale. Not looking forward to it as there is a lot, no, a tremendous amount of items to price for purging.  Looking forward with fear and trepidation to having Thursday and Friday off to complete the organization for Diva's Rock Bottom Yard Sale Extravaganza!

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