Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fix It's and Father's Day

Bound and determined to fix the painting disasters, this weekend was dedicated to painting.

After meditating over the first one, decided what I saw was water and the sky. Where there's water there should be a fisherman sitting on a large boulder dangling his bobber into the lake.  Included a tree, gold leaf moon, and even tried to paint a dog but, when it began to resemble a lion, scratched that and covered it with foliage.  Happy with the fix-it job.

This morning tackled the more difficult canvas. When in doubt, go for a mermaid!  Laid out the pattern I created then covered the outside with black paint. Hmm...just didn't have a pop so created a new full mermaid pattern for the middle.

Filled in the gal with black, then painted its tail with a variety of pink and coral. Added a crown covered in multi-colored gold leaf. The leaf is a little zip lock filled with tiny pieces of gold, bronze, and blue pieces of metallic leaf. Involves using tweezers to pluck the bits from the bag and placing them in just the right spot. This process was time-consuming, especially when I decided to leaf the tail.

But it was worth it!  Looks so much better than the before version!

After packing in the painting, cleaned up and ran to the store for a few groceries. Had pico de gallo on the brain so grabbed tomatoes, onion, cilantro, jalapeño, and limes. For some odd reason, have morphed into a spicy eater. Just love jalapeño, hot salsa, and red pepper flakes.

Whipped up the tomato goodness with one hand while preparing pasta salad with the other.  Sunday is almost over so an evening of chillaxin has begun.

Happy Father's Day Dad!!

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