Friday, December 7, 2012

Love Can Be Hard But It's Worth It!

Relationships are a bundle of emotions - joy, exasperation, laughter, love, anger, impatience, and passion.  And sometimes those emotions are hard to work through to reach a conclusion.  But that happened this week when my Michael and I talked and came to the conclusion that being together gives us so much happiness that being apart simply didn't make sense.  And thus we are back together.

Now for the fallout.  Unfortunately, in my high tech world, spontaneity overcame me and I changed my status on Facebook to Single.  Oh Facebook - a site similar to the corner grocery store from days past where each local who passed by shared and passed on to each other tiny to large pieces of trivia, gossip, and news.  Within minutes from my status change my wall began chiming along with my phone with texts asking how I was, what happened, etc.  Some judged, some expressed sweet sentiments, and some seemed to revel in my situation.  The best message I received was from my sister Eilene, who simply stated "I want you to be happy."   And isn't that what we should want for each other? 

Updating my FB status back to "In a Relationship", I chuckle at myself as I've become one of those posters who frequently update their status.  Married to Single to It's Complicated to Single to In a Relationship.  Oy vey!!  And I've learned a valuable lesson that perhaps my co-workers, my friends from grade school, and my high school classmates, the majority of whom I rarely if ever see, shouldn't be privy to such private information.  And given the chance to judge, comment, approve or disagree when, in matters of the heart, it is only my opinion which counts. 

So in this holiday season filled with hustle and bustle, let's remember the root cause for so much activity - love.  Give it, receive it, and spread it unconditionally among your family and friends.  Because when you find it, it's the greatest gift you could ever share with another person.

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