Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hocus, Pocus, Big Cats, and Beds

We watch this movie every year. Watched it so many times - so good! Can't believe you haven't seen it!

With these phrases echoing in my head from friends and co-workers, I took the plunge and picked up a $5 copy of "Hocus Pocus" a 1993 film starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimi, and Sarah Jessica Parker. High Hope's in store and thinking I had really missed on on a classic for all these years, I pressed play last night to watch it.

Oh no. So bad. So very, very bad. And not just because it was from 1993. Plain and simple bad acting, stupid storyline, and lack of humor. Skip it!  I wish I had!

There once was a movie named Hocus
Great reviews brought it into my focus
Tried to watch it last night
Bad acting such a fright
Discovered the movie was a big Jokus!

Last night Marie brought in the stray cat she named Romeo to visit. She had ended up befriending him then took him to an organization to be neutered where he also received a flea bath, shots, and a checkup at no cost. Well, this is a large cat. Flame point Siamese. Twice the size of my little Stubbins. And he likes me. This behemoth  feline scooted up on the couch to lay next to me. Ended up begging and pleading to get him to move. 

However, he's not as friendly with Marie. I tried to take a pic of them together and you can see how that turned out. 😳

Yesterday picked up tickets to the 2019 Monster Bash at the Monticello Hotel. It's a local Halloween party and if I remember correctly I've never been.

Today after meeting bestie for breakfast, swung by Joann's Fabric.  Needed material to make a different type of shrug to go with my mermaid outfit. Found some killer shiny material along with a mermaid wig.  Can't wait to put it all together!

After Joann's, Sam picked me up and we hit the storage unit to get my bed. The futon I was using wasn't cutting it so decided my bed was the best bet. Unfortunately, the set up is kind of weird since it's adjustable so could only grab the mattress.  

Came home, traded out the futon for the mattress, unloaded the futon in the storage unit, then Sam dropped me off at my rig. Headed over to Ross to browse.  The light pink rug recently purchased there was molting- pieces of string all over and Stubbs was chewing on it. So took it to storage as well. Ended up finding a fake fur blush pink rug that fits in nicely and is not shedding.

After Ross stopped by Walmart for a few groceries. At this point had been running around since breakfast - no makeup, leggings,  hair in ponytail, and was sweating and feeling grubby. However, fit right in at Wally World!  Picked up the essentials, including plain Almond Milk. I'm now a convert to this stuff - haven't had any cow's milk or butter since moving to Marie's. Not that I've given up dairy - still dig my cheese and yogurt!

Finally made it home, unloaded bags, cleaned my room, started laundry, ate dinner, and am now in bed, which feels really divine!  Here's to everyone having a wonderous sleep and starting Monday off rested and relaxed!

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