Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mammograms, Mermaid, and Monster Bash

Took care of a few health issues on Friday. Started off with a mammogram - women tell wicked stories about these breast procedures, likening them to medieval torture chambers. Nothing could be further from the truth! Fast, easy, and painless. This year even wound up with a free pair of pink socks since October is National Breast Cancer month.

Friday afternoon signed up for my free flu shot at work. That was also quick and painless. I told the technician I had received free socks that morning so where was my flu shot gift. Sadly, he pointed to a bowl of Dum Dums as my parting gift.

Saturday attended Sam's girlfriend Kaitlyn's daughter Khloe's 5th birthday party at the bouncy house in the mall.  Hadn't been to the mall in months because there just isn't anything there. Happy to see a thriving kid's entertainment business there now to pick up traffic in this shopping relic.

It was nice meeting Kaitlyn's family. All spoke well of Sam which of course was no surprise to me. Khloe's party had a unicorn theme, including a unicorn cake.  Lots of kids made me thankful my two boys are grown. 😉

Khloe on the right

After the party, ran home to prepare for the Monster Bash party which was scheduled to start at 8pm. Had to finish sewing my mermaid outfit - replaced the shirt sewn into it with a more shiny mermaid shirt I had made. Looked better. Then showered and loaded my face up with green, blue and pink makeup along with mermaid scale tattoos. Slicked hair into a pony, tugged on and bobby pinned the mermaid wig and was ready to go.

Marie dressed as a devil and we met up with Jordan and Candy (pirates), Lisa (pirate), and Johnny (Pope.)  Tons of people and lots of outfits.  Was driving so nursed my drink all evening.  Nacho bar was excellent and even better Sam and Kaitlyn showed up toward the end as Picachu and Pokemon trainer. Received a lot of compliments on my home-made costume, including several requests for pictures.

It was a long night - got home around 1:30am. Marie had definitely tied one on - poor girl wound up getting sick and spent all day on the couch. Only hangover I had was a sleep hangover so I joined in on the crowd and spent my day alternating between napping and watching Netflix. Pets were in the same frame of mind so they joined in on today's napping theme.

Tomorrow jean's week continues at work along with Halloween on Thursday. Will be breaking out the mermaid fashion for one last day. 🧜‍♀️

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