Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Next Time Will Smoke the Ganga and Leave the Hair Products Alone!

Finally watched the LUS curly girl video sis Luna sent me. Pretty informative. They went step by step into how to do one method of curling your hair by using the LUS treatment along with twisting the strands then diffusing it. Seemed pretty simple to me!

Of course had to try the technique with products on hand. Washed my hair then separated it into sections while it was wet. Squirted some curl cream and gel into my hand, rubbed them together, then massaged the goop into my hair. Took about one inch sections of hair and twirled them into a twist. Proceeded to do my whole head with this technique.

Hair in twists, left it alone during makeup time. Then came the diffusing. First, put the heat on low but that was taking forever so cranked it up to high. Hung my head to the side, then upside down, then upright. Was taking so very long to dry that had to quit to get dressed and get to work, hair still wet.

Took forever for my headful of creamy, gel covered twists to dry.  When the wet seemed to be gone, ran my fingers through it to separate the strands. At this point they seemed more like dreadlocks than curls. What made it worse is my attire for the day was a tee with cute flowing kimono wrap. Add in the hair and I began to resemble a die hard granola groupie of Grateful Dead. Just needed to throw a Bob Marley poster in my cube and my transformation would be complete!

As the day progressed couldn't stop playing with my hair like a child with a favorite new toy. Co-worker asked if I was doing something different to my hair. Different because I'm now booking my flight to Jamaica tonight in order to fit in different?  That's the only logical explanation for the mess I was trying to pass off as a style.

By the time I made it home, the twists began to look oily which is unusual as my hair is dry. Threw it up into a pony and called it good for the night.

So lesson learned - just because one can make a homemade concoction doesn't mean it will work and in fact can transform one's outward appearance significantly!!

If you are interested in the product the video link is

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