Sunday, June 15, 2014

Seaweed....A Very Bad Thing!

Today reminded me I am my mother's daughter.  After sleeping in til 9:42 am (shockingly late for me) I finally pulled myself together and hit the gym about 12:45. Good workout then stopped at Goodwill to find bargains but alas nothing. Next stop was Fred Meyer where I found a Rip City tee for 50% off the clearance price.  I picked up some produce then browsed the organic section where I ran across some crispy seaweed topped with brown sugar. Okay, this is where my Mom came in. She was notorious for buying odd and unusual food items so apparently I was channeling her today.

After paying for my items and loading up my car, I ripped open the seaweed to try a piece. Arrrrggg!!!  It.Was.Horrible!!!  Tasted like a 10-day old piece of sushi!  Nasty fishy taste with some God-awful brown sugar on top!  I could't wait to get home and toss that carton of vile in the trash!

After a dinner of salmon salad, I decided to make some kale chips. Chopped kale, sprayed with some olive oil, and baked for 10 minutes. Pulled them out, they looked good, but tasted like...seaweed chip!  Icky!!  Into the trash.

My next project was overnight steel oats in a jar per a Pinterest recipe. Oats, flax and chia seeds, berries and almond milk in a jar to chill overnight. Let's hope it turns out.

My final project was pumpkin seed energy balls
Ground pumpkin seeds, whey protein, powdered peanut butter, chocolate powder, and coconut oil. Turned out pretty well!

After cleaning the kitchen, I called it a night!  Here's to a new week filled with high energy and health...but no seaweed!

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