Saturday, October 21, 2017

Love on this Saturday

Besides being a miserable rainy day, today was also about love.

This morning (after sleeping in until almost 10am!) I watched You've Got Mail. Just love that movie and when Meg and Tom meet up at the end, it's always a sob fest for me!

Then, one of my Facebook friends posted the following love story and it is just so sweet!  It almost gave me another tearfest!

"Just wanted to let all of my Facebook friends know that for the first time in 15 years, I have a partner in my life again. For those of you who do not know my story, I will give a brief recount. All most 30 years ago, I met a handsome young man in Mazatlán, Mexico, while there on vacation. We met in a bar; he did not speak English and I did not speak Spanish. The language barrier didn't stop us from getting to know each other. We traded addresses when we left Mazatlan and agreed to write each other. We did. We were both in college at the time - he began to learn English and took classes in Spanish. 

For probably 5 years we met every summer and fell in love with each other. I was crazy in love with this handsome Mexican man, as my friends who knew then could attest to. Unfortunately, due to language barriers, the distance between us, and a series of unfortunate circumstances, we lost contact with each other. I never forgot him and always wondered where he was, what his life was like now, and if he was happy. 

With the advent of My Space and then Facebook, I began to look for him. He had a common name, but I looked and looked. I knew the search for him would be like searching for a needle in a haystack and that it was unlikely that I would ever find him. Over the years I kept looking for him, hoping that somehow, someway, I would come across his FB page, if he even had one. 

Fast forward to Sunday morning, October 26th, 2014. I had just picked up my phone when it buzzed in my hand with a Facebook Friend Request. To my complete amazement- it was him!!!! At first I thought someone was playing a weird joke on me. But, as I looked at his page, I knew it was him. The beautiful smile, green eyes, and warm brown hair, were the same. I accepted the Friend Request and hastily replied with a text asking if this was the same man I had met in Mexico, so many years before. He laughed and replied it was. We exchanged phone numbers and reconnected. Fast forward again to this week, he is here in Washington with me. He was looking for me for years - I was looking for him for years. I still love him and he still loves me."

Isn't that the sweetest story?  Made me reflect on my own relationship. Almost three years since we met and have been through the ups and downs, heartache and loss, breakups and makeups but in the end we are grateful to be two weirdos who make each other happy.  ❤

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