Wednesday, November 15, 2017

From DVD's to Cheeseburgers

Went through my hoard of DVDs yesterday and picked out a ton I no longer watch or have no interest in watching. Lugged them over to Classics & Oddities and wound up with $100 in credit. Yee haw! They have a good supply of classics so came home with a bunch of keepers, including Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, and a rockin Frank Capra collection.

If the dvd includes it, I always like watching the special features. One of them included Ups and Downs, a short that included a very young, very blond June Allyson.  Have always seen her with red hair so it was weird to see her ala Jean Harlow.

After the dvd excursion, met up with Jordan and Candy for pizza. Went to the former Pietros, now called Pie@trios, which has been around forever but where I hadn't been in years. Still good chow!

Today I followed Jordan and Candy over to Rainier to visit the Columbia Mermaid, a store with all things mermaid and beach themed. It's also a stones, oil, soap, decor, and local artist mecca.  Bought a few amethyst stones for a driftwood project. The owner allows people to sell their wares so I'm thinking of selling my beach related items there.

This afternoon I found myself craving a thick, juicy hamburger.  Came home and cooked up some awesome bacon cheeseburgers, including lettuce, tomato, sautéed mushrooms, and special sauce. Sam swung by and had a burger as well. Really hit the spot!!

Over the weekend I painted a rock for Lexington Hardware, the store that Sam works in occassionally. I included all the worker's faces on the rocks and dropped it off on Sunday. Today one of the bosses put the following on the Cowlitz County Rocks Facebook, which was cool.

I shared my Chelsea story on Facebook and yesterday she responded with the following, which was so sweet.

Thank you for all of the years of fun and love!   You are such an influence on the person I am today; “goodwill hunting” is still a favorite pass time to date, sewing is one of my passions,  crafting is part of my profession and of course there is the fact that I know how to apply makeup without looking like a clown.  Thank you so much for showing me how much fun it is to be a girl!  Thank you for all that you did when I was young to ensure I stayed on the right path!  I love you...thanks for always being an amazing mother💋

Feeling the love!

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