Friday, December 15, 2017

Weekend for Parties!

This Friday started out poorly but thankfully ended well.

I woke up this morning with my left eye swollen shut due to allergies. Looked like I had taken a hard hit right to the face. Super puffy and swollen.

Popped an allergy pill, used some allergy eye drops, then laid back with a cold washcloth to reduce the swelling. Finally decided to divert my attention elsewhere so whipped up a batch of peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies to take to the family party tomorrow.  Also cooked the bacon needed for my green bean dish tomorrow.
After the cookies, decided to trim and bathe Stubbs. Grabbed the clippers and went to town. Still need to trim his nails but he is looking much better and smells great too.

Cleaned the kitchen then relaxed for the rest of the day watching black and white movies, including Showboat which always gives me a good, long cry.

Finally took a shower about 4pm to get ready for Sam's work party, which was being held at his bosses house. I'd met most of his coworkers but not his boss, who actually turned out to be a pretty nice guy.

Dinner was awesome - huge slice of perfectly cooked prime rib with all the fixings.  Dinner was followed by some games, all of which I'd never before played. Was a fun time.

Tomorrow it's time for the annual Shepard family Christmas. I've got homemade gifts for everyone along with the game gifts.  My eye is still red and a little puffy but hoping that will be gone by morning!

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