Sunday, July 22, 2018

Clay and Curls

That meet and greet that was supposed to happen yesterday was a bust. I had texted the dude to find out his last name. And he never responded. WTF? Good riddance if you can't answer a reasonable question like that!!

On my way home from town yesterday I stopped off by the minit mart to perform a stealthy, incognito move. Every day I drive by a beautiful lilac tree with gorgeous, eggplant purple blossoms. Finally decided to pack scissors in my car so I could swipe a few. Tree is by the parking lot, not by someone's personal garden, so why not? Yes, I'm justifying my thievery.

I pulled up, grabbed my scissors, left the car running, and clipped a bouquet. Zipped home, placed them in a mason jar vase and voila!! Fragrant beauty enveloping the living room.

Yesterday was also spent crafting polymer clay.  Have you seen those black and white pics with a splash of color? Wanted to try that effect in polymer clay.  Spent quite a bit of time building a wire apparatus of a girl then covered it with gray clay. Made a red umbrella for her to hold. It was a windy scene so her hair was blowing and the umbrella was turned inside out.

Set the oven to 275 degrees then placed the girl and umbrella in to cook. Went to check on it and gasp! The sculpture was melted and all that was left was some gray wire. So disappointed! Will definitely give it another try as it held much promise.

Lazed around this morning then finally decided to be productive and mow the yard. At noon. In the heat. But got both front and back yards done in between frequent water breaks.

Done with the sweat fest, colored my roots then took a shower. Did minimal makeup, added curl cream then diffuse dried about 80% of my hair. No curling iron, no straightening - just let it go for the day. My hair has this natural half curl/half wave thing going on which makes it a bit wild. In a perfect world it would be a head full of perfect spiral curls but that's never been and never will be. When it dries naturally, it's a cross between the curls from a standard poodle's ass mixed with clearance Christmas burlap ribbon with frayed edges. Tight!! 😲

Now it's 8:30 pm and the countdown is on to Monday. Oh weekend why do you leave me so quickly?

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