Sunday, April 12, 2020

Nothing Better Than Blue Sky

Happy Easter everyone!

I sent the following to Jordan and Sam. Yes, this is a real picture from the early part of the 1900's.  Who in their right mind would create what's supposed to be a friendly bunny in this manner???

It's Sunday so my room just had to be cleaned. Hung up my clothes, made the bed, then called it done. Next task was to finish making masks - had picked up some 97cent fabric quarters along with soft cotton roping (store was out of elastic) then, after digging and searching for the right liner material, located the last package of cotton mesh dry wipes from the Dollar Tree.  Finished cutting out the fabric then sewed the lot together to make three masks. Turned out acceptable but, with the remaining fabric, will make the masks a tad larger.  At least they are soft behind the ears!

Masks done, decided the pup needed a little R&R so scooped him up, gave him a bath, then blew him dry til he was a fluffy ball of fur.

After spending so much time in isolation, decided Stubbins and I needed a change of scenery so we went for the proverbial Sunday drive. Made our way to County Line Park on the Columbia.  Oh, I remember the sweet summer days spent there in the late 80's with my beach towel, sunscreen, and book - pure bliss! 

Unfortunately the park was Corona closed so we turned the rig around and headed back to town. Prime scenic view on the return trip so took a few pics from the side of the highway.

Once in town, we headed to Kelso and took a walk on the Coweeman Dike. New grounds for Stubbers so he was all over the place, sniffing and peeing to no end.  He was literally a hot dog at the end of our walk which may explain the nap he's having, with snoring, on my lap right now.

Arrived home and now relaxing before making a pot of soup using my homemade veggie broth for dinner.

Enjoy your Easter and the blue sky!!

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