Friday, July 10, 2020

In Search of a Fishing Spot in a Freddy Krueger Movie

Turned into such a nice day yesterday that Marie and I set out to the Kalama River to fish. We drove into Fisherman's Loop, parked, and made our way to the river. Followed several dirt, bumby paths, peeking through the clearing to determine if it was a hot spot. As we wandered, we walked further away from the rig and deeper into the quiet forest, under bridges, and past clearings that may have housed vagrants or even satanic rituals. Creepy!

More than likely, due to our imaginations, we decided to get back in the rig and venture to the boat launch area of the river. Passed a few bunnies, parked, climbed over a few logs, and cast into the water, which was filled with cottonwood fluff.  Found out fishing and cottonwood don't mix as every time I reeled in I had to spend time picking the wet fluff off the line. Ugh.

That didn't last long. We decided to drive by the river in search of a better spot. The only spot we found was down the Kalama Sportsman Road, which led to a beach on the Columbia.

Again, very quiet but scenic, nestled between Steelscape and Kalama Chemical and you just had to ignore the green, muddy sludge which lined the shore.  And full of what I originally thought were wild turkeys but what turned out to be vultures!

Exploring, we stumbled across someone's playhouse, or getaway spot, or river cave. It was structured with driftwood and inside hung shell mobiles, painted rocks, jeweled string, and a cardboard banner of quotes. It was intriguing but rather disturbing. 

On more than one occasion during our trip to Kalama the voices in my head said, "This could be a scene in horror film - the scene where people are kidnapped or tortured."  We ended up packing in our poles and heading home.

Today after work dug out the supplies and painted two canvas.  One is a small canvas which I picked up, with frame, from the Warrenton Goodwill.  It had a cute vintage cowgirl on it but I took no time in painting over it. Did a sunset scene on it and a lady on a larger canvas.  Discovered the key is to significantly water down the acrylic paint. For the lady, drew her portrait freehand then layered the colors into a small squirt bottle so I could easily stay within the lines. Then moved on to a larger cup pour for her hair and body. Finalized it by painting black for her outline and to cover smudge marks.

Painting done, I'm now sitting outside enjoying the shade, sipping a can of Mike's Hard Pineapple and Mandarin.  I rarely drink but this sure hits the spot!

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