Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just Call Me Possum Anxiety Eyes!

Tuesday was not a good day.  I woke up with puffy, red eyes; my allergies were hitting me like a ton of bricks....or pollen.  Although I was able to keep my contacts in, eye makeup was out of the question!  I had morphed into a beady, ruddy-faced possum with a nasty habit of sneezing along with rampant squirting of vision lubricant into my eyes.  Uck. On top of that I was having a bad hair day, which consisted of hair bundled into a claw-clip.  And what made it worse was that I know people noticed I looked like dog doo doo...they were just too polite to say anything.  Well, in most cases.  The consensus was that I had been crying my eyes out, smoked a doobie in the bathroom, or had started to use red blush for foundation!

Yeah, looking like this!
When I arrived home after work, I loaded up on Benydryl, Tylenol, and popped a Midol just for good measure.  I entered into a drug-induced coma awaiting my resurrection from allergy hell.  I kissed my boys good night and hit the hay.

This morning I awoke refreshed and probably 90% back to normal.  I made my coffee, read my paper, then hopped in the shower.  About 6:30am I went to wake up the boys - Jordan was already up but Sam was no where to be found.  Hmmm...where was that kid?  Not in his room, not on the couch, not in the bathroom.  Jordan didn't know where he was so I ended up calling his phone.  No answer. As I continued to get ready for work, I texted Sam then his friends.  Nobody answered, nobody text back. 

I hit the road to work and all I could think about was Where is Sam?  Okay, I'm a bit prone to anxiety and I have a vivid imagination which means by the time I got to work, I had already begun the mourning process for my son, planned out his funeral (including the Batman coffin), and was ready to write up the life insurance claim form.  I even cried a little as I told all of this to my co-worker. 

Thankfully, one of Sam's buddies text me and told me Sam was in school but his phone was dead.  Sam finally called his mama to let me know that last night he had actually asked me if he could spend the night at his buddy's house and I had approved.  I asked him "was I sleeping?" and he said "yeah, but you woke up when I talked to you.  You said yes, have fun, love you and I left."  I have no recollection of this exchange.  I told Sam in the future, when Mom is in the middle of a Benetylemidol induced coma, it would be best if he left me a note.

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