Monday, November 7, 2011

Of Guitars, Keyboards, and Laptops

Spent a lovely evening Saturday night celebrating my best friend's birthday along with spending time with my guy.  Sunday found my guy and I cruising to Portland to take a gander at the Guitar Center; my man is musically inclined so he wanted to browse the guitars and other equipment at this store.  I'm very proud of myself because I was very patient during the lengthy amount of time we were there.  He tried out a few guitars then became enraptured with a keyboard that actually records music.  I agreed this would be fabulous to own because he could then record his creativity, give me copies, and I could listen in my car during my commute.  When I say he is talented, this is an understatement; when he plays piano it simply makes me want to cry.  This may be both from his playing skills along with the memories it stirs up about my own mother playing the piano.

Once we were done at the Guitar Center and the car loaded up, we cruised over to Walmart then hit Best Buy.  This became another lengthy process as my man was upgrading his phone and reviewing the Apple products.  He ended up with another haul from there but as a reward for my patience he gifted to me a new laptop computer.  Yowza!!  My current computer is very slow and sounds like an airplane poised to take off.  This new laptop will provide me with portability as well as the ability to type my blog from my bed - how cool is that??

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