Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend of Surf and Sunshine

This weekend was so jam packed I had to take a couple days off from the blog to recover!  Friday found me at the grocery store after work; arriving home there were no boys in site so I had to unload and put away the groceries on my own.  Yuck!  After grocery duty, I cleaned my bathroom, shower, did two loads of laundry, then collapsed into bed after chatting with the boys when they arrived home.

Saturday arrived and with it blue sky and sunshine!  There's nothing better than sunshine to make a day perfect!  M arrived in the morning to check out the lawnmower, which he pronounced in working order.  I set the boys on mowing the front and back yard then M and I cruised over to the car dealership to get an oil change for my whip.  Ended up making an appointment for later in the day so I spent part of the morning giving M a tour of where I went to school and the sights of the local area.  Target was next then we hit Taco Bell to take home.  Lawns were mowed but gas can was empty; we grabbed that then returned to the dealership for the oil change.  While waiting, we cruised around the car lot, fending off salesmen who were eager to take our cash.

Car done, we made our way back home where M then proceeded to add a new handle to the sliding glass door, install a new door knob to my bedroom door, then clean the grill while the boys and I continued the overhaul of the yard and garage.  M grilled ribs and hot dogs while I heated beans and sweated over opening the lid off potato salad.  It was an awesome dinner; grilling was a great way to welcome in spring.

Sunday Jordan, M and I (Sam declined) made our way to the local restaurant Stuffy's for breakfast.  Huge portions as always so each of us had a doggy bag, which Sam couldn't wait to pounce upon when we arrived home. 

A sunny day with no plans led M and I to taking a drive to Seaside.  We parked, we browsed, we took in the surf, we ate a pronto pup, caramel corn, and taffy (including maple-bacon taffy) then it was time to return home. We also participated in my favorite activity - taking pictures of M in a variety of hats.  It was a very productive and yet relaxing weekend!

Sunday in Seaside

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