Sunday, May 21, 2017

May Not Be Pretty But It's Progress!

Finally gathered up the hootzpah to tackle the back yard. It was out of control and the spawn of my loins did not come over to mow it for their dear old mother, despite the significant amount of guilt tossed their way.  So I had no choice but to begin mowing it last night.

The evening was still warm so I left my shorts on and began to mow. It was a molasses job....stop and go slow.  Tried different mow maneuvers until I found the one that worked best - backwards. Made a dent in the rainforest before calling it quits.

Those shorts I wore? Wrong move. My legs were itchy all over; along with that my allergies from hell rose their ugly head so had to pop a Benadryl this morning. When I arose from my drug-induced coma, I felt refreshed enough to battle the yard again.

Left long sweatpants on this time. Did ya know hot weather and sweatpants weren't made for each other? Yep learned that nugget of knowledge today. However, with sheer will and determination the mower pressed on. After more than an hour, including ice tea breaks, it's almost done. As for me, I'm finished mowing for the day. A shower calls my name, at which point I can admire the lovely farmers tan sprouting on my face and arms.

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