Monday, September 11, 2017

Berry Picking and Sugar Overload

Sunday found us rising bright and early to make our way to the coast to pick more huckleberries.

On our way we stopped in Astoria to pick up a Dutch Bros. Coffee.  I had my fill of hot coffee so decided to try out the new pumpkin freeze. Tasty but way too sweet, perhaps because of my no sugar taste buds.  Finished it off and arrived to our picking spot.

Steve went to see if the berries were better further in so he disappeared for awhile as I hung with Stubbs (who was fashionably adjourned for the day in his Seahawks jersey.)  Decided to pick along the road; about the point of picking one container full, it started. My hands were shaking, my head was light, and my stomach upset. Just knew that sugary drink was the wrong move.

Steve returned to the car with the last of the berries and I unleashed what we call a "Junior Jerry" moment.  "Get me to the store NOW as I need protein!!" Poor thing didn't know what hit him.

Steve rushed me to the minit mart where I loaded up on chicken strips, nuts, and cordon blue balls, which were, yes, as bad as they sound. Scarfed those down in record time than waited for the food to take effect. Finally, the shaking stopped and I was clear headed.

Picking done (wound up with two gallons) we continued on 101 for some sightseeing. We stopped at the guardrail on Nehalem Bay to see if the GPS container that we stumbled upon last year was still wedged into it. Sure was so dug it out and listed our Diva and Huey names on to the roster again then replaced the tube.

Continued on to view the jetty and wild waves then on our return trip stopped in Wheeler to browse a large antique store. Steve picked me up a tackle box, small in size so it would fit in my purse, perhaps for those spur-of-the-moment times when the fishing bug hits.

On our way back we swung by the Husted Hilton to visit with his sister, her hubby, and some friends of theirs who were all staying at the Arch Cape place. The weather was awesome as we sat on the deck. Stubbs was extremely protective and wouldn't leave my lap the whole time.

Returned home last night worn out and a little sunburned. Steve hit the road, taking my tackle box home to stock it with all sorts of lures, hooks, and supplies.  I then promptly fell asleep on the couch.

Meant to get up early to go fishing but that didn't happen. Will cast my line this evening!

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