Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diva Be Cruisin in Style!

After a few weeks of window shopping on line, I finally got down to brass tacks today and picked myself up a new rig.  I toyed with the idea of a red car, a convertible, or two-seater; however, I ended up going for Downtown Detroit and Divalicious with a capital D - a nice silver with black leather interior 2010 Chrysler 300.

I saw it on line then sent a note to the dealership asking if it would be available for a test drive.  The salesman who responded, Derek, was actually a close friend and neighbor of my brother and my BFF and someone whom I've met several times since he was a kid.  It was as if the signs were pointing to making the purchase of this car easy for me!

After work I cruised on over for a test drive.  It was so much more relaxing having the salesman be someone I knew rather than a random slick Willy who was out for every nickel.  The car looked sharp and drove as smooth as a shot glass full of butterscotch liqueur. Yum! 

My mind made up, we went back into the dealership to work on the necessary papers.  This was the very first time I had ever purchased a car from a dealership on my own - with no husband to guide me.  I used to always take a backseat when it was time to negotiate the purchase of a car - it was exhausting so I usually let the man in my life take the lead.  However, this time I was in the driver's seat (pun intended) and it was liberating! 

The finance guy came out to haggle over my trade-in; I wasn't too happy with their offer so I pushed back to receive a higher amount and guess what?  It worked!  I swear I grew a pair of cojones at that very moment!!  I have to admit the dealership made the transaction very easy plus they gave me a killer interest rate for the small amount I ended up financing.  And between test driving the car and walking out with the keys in my hand, it only took about two hours. I actually had the forethought to clean the old car out before going to the dealership so I didn't have to deal with that headache.  It was also a plus to know my money was going in the pocket of someone whom I'd actually known since he was a kid! 

The boys were absolutely thrilled when I pulled into the garage tonight.  They were stoked that we would be "pimping it out" in this new, somewhat gangsta mobile.  New car, happy boys, and personal satisfaction in knowing that I was able to accomplish this purchase on my own!!   Life is good!!

Diva's new rig!

Feelin the fabulousity

1 comment:

  1. I have to say nice choice and I'm very jealous but happy for you. You deserve this and the fact you made it happen (THAT'S RIGHT YOU!!!), is just AWESOME!! LOVE YOU MUCH XOXOXO
