Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blazers to Black Friday to Big Snowman

This weekend has been a wild ride but as always fun! 

Thanksgiving involved a yummy dinner eaten after Jordan got off work.  Friday morning equaled sleeping in - no Black Friday for us.  Michael and I later pried ourselves out of bed, cleaned up, then made our way to Portland.  First stop was the Adidas Employee Store with the 50% off coupon - picked up a few things for Christmas along with some new sneaks.

We then made our way to the Rose Garden for the Blazer's game against Minneapolis.  Big lines, rowdy crowds, and was it me or were the seats smaller than I remember?  This may have been due to my free tickets being far up in the nosebleed section.  No complaints, mind you, as in the end it was still free.  We were also able to have some breathing room as two seats next to us were empty so we weren't squished next to drunken fans.  As always the odd ones kept us laughing.  Across the aisle was a middle-aged man, bald on top but long hair in the back.  He had a striped sweatband across his head and wore a sweat jacket in which he carefully had written "Rip City" across the back - with duct tape.  Nothing was stopping him from showing his team spirit, including his ability to bellow "deFense" (note the accent) at odd times during the game.  In the end the Blazers came from behind to beat the Timberwolves; we were thankful to have left at the fourth quarter, easily avoiding the crowd and hitting the freeway for home.

Saturday meant grocery shopping at Walmart.  Along with eggs and dishwasher soap, we browsed a few of the left-over Black Friday sales.  We loaded up the cart then made a pit stop at the price checker to determine what prices would be charged for our holiday goods.  Several prices had increased so we dropped those off at the nearest aisle. Michael then grabbed the dressing room clerk to determine what the exact price was of sweatshirts on sale.  The box said $4, the balloon said $6, but the price rang up at $7.96.  Receiving clarification from the nearest "ZSM" (Zone Service Manager for those of you not in the know with Wally's lingo) we were able to score the items at $4.

This is why Michael and I get along so well....we aren't afraid to get silly in stores as well as in front of the camera!!

Finished with Walmart, we then hit Big Lots looking for, of all things, whole nutmeg.  I like to use this for baked goods but most especially for fettuccine alfredo.  No nutmeg at Walmart, we wandered around Big Lots in search of this spice, which I ended up finding (ground not whole) for $1. 

Arriving home, we put away the groceries then watched some of Michael's favorite movies - "Krush Groove" with Run DMC and Sheila E and "Gridlocked" with Tupac Shakur.   Both entertaining and it was fun to see the rap fashion from the 80's and 90's.

Today was dedicated to Christmas!  I wrangled Sam into climbing up into the attic to grab the Christmas decorations, the tree, and my Mr. Big Snowman.   Michael and I tag-teamed on the tree to get it not only set up but achieve all lights glowing.  After he departed for home, I then cleaned off the front porch then added some Christmas cheer.  Jordan kindly volunteeered to place ornaments on the tree while I added a snowman here and a Santa there until we ended up being 90% set for the holiday.  Adding outside lights will be the finale to our holiday efforts but that will have to wait until next weekend!
Mr. Big Snowman

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