Friday, November 9, 2012

Give Me Da Bunny George!

Much in the same way as you all have experienced, I often overhear random people talking on their bluetooth while at a store.  You could also refer to this as eavesdropping but it isn't intentional although the conversations overheard can be mighty entertaining.  Unfortunately, I've become one of those people.

For a very long time I would use my cell phone via the standard mode - held up to my ear with my hand.  Which isn't practical or even legal during my commute.  For my safety, Michael encouraged me to get a bluetooth, which has been a lifesaver (probably in a literal way.)  Conversations on the road are much more enjoyable and the possibility of a ticket is out of the way. 

However, with bluetooth in place, I frequently stop by stores, usually the Chehalis Walmart, before continuing on home.  In most cases I'm conversing with Michael.  Such was the case yesterday.  We were deep in discussion so I left my bluetooth in as I wandered the Walmart aisles, picking up necessities.  And I became "one of them."

As always, Michael and I were talking about everything under the sun and laughing together.  I forgot my bluetooth was in but perhaps I should have taken all the stares in my direction as a sign that I was being a tad bit too loud.  Which is par for the course - talking loud.  It wasn't until I began my imitation of Lenny from Mice and Men, whom Michael incorrectly (in my opinion) refers to as Elmer Fudd, that the stares began to grow.

As I browsed through the chicken sausage section, I uttered "I wub the bunny George, I wanna pet da bunny.  Oh give me the bunny George."  I realized my voice may have been just a tad too loud when Michael said "honey, don't forget you are in a store full of people."  Uh, right, but to be honest, I didn't care.   Stares and odd smiles from the Walmart regulars were frankly entertaining!  I threw in a few more "I wanna pet da bunny George" before we changed the subject.

Here's to all of us having a little Lenny aka Elmer Fudd in us! 

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