Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!!

My Christmas present arrived in the mail yesterday.  A company where I previously worked was sold and this resulted in a tidy sum of money being sent my way.  Most of it went into my retirement account but I saved a few bucks out to pay off bills and celebrate Christmas.

After dropping the bills in the mail, I celebrated by getting my hair colored (dark blond, light blond, and light brown weave) then having it shaped into a layered bob.  I love it!  My hair is so thick it took three hours to get the job done.  Karina the stylist shaped it into a great style but of course I had to run home and re-wet it so it could be fixed the proper way - with lots of volume. 

After primping, I spent the afternoon at my BFF's house where we celebrated Christmas Eve with her family along with my brother and nephew.  The dinner was fabulous (prime rib to die for) and we chatted up a storm.  I even snagged two gifts for myself!

I'm now at home awaiting Santa's visit.  I watched the second half of Sleepless in Seattle and now I'm watching the second half of It's a Wonderful Life.  I'm almost as happy and content as my best friend's cat shown below!!
Diva's New Do

Scurry tuckered out!
One of the funniest scenes I've ever watched!!!

1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous in that hair cut!!!! I agree the sleepless in seattle "dirty dozen" scene is one of the best, Gary and I laugh about it every time we see it (we saw it too last night)
