Sunday, January 29, 2012

P is for Psychosis

Yes, I'm feeling my age.  Actually, I'm feeling someone else's age, more like a 68-year old!  I'm continuing to battle with my asthma/respiratory illness, which forced me to go back to my doctor last week to utter my oh so familiar cry - "Give me more drugs!!"  After shedding a few tears while begging the nurses to get me in for an early appointment (it was obvious they felt a psychotic break was about to occur so they tried their damnest to get me in to see someone), I was happy that I was able to see my regular doctor to discuss my health.

After giving me kudos about my recent blood tests and weight loss, she made some changes to my allergy and asthma medication then placed me on the big guns of steroids - prednisone.  I was previously on this for five days but she felt my lungs needed the all out 21-day course of this treatment.  Yikes.....have done this once before and it is not enjoyable.   Common side effects with short term prednisone use are as follows:

*Many patients notice fluid retention often in the ankles, but sometimes all over.
*Appetite tends to be increased, and weight gain is common even with short term use.
*Anxiety, agitation, and nervousness are also common prednisone side effects.
*Insomnia can be a common result of these psychological prednisone side effects.
*Elevation of blood sugar is common, often leading to a diagnosis of diabetes in patients not previously known to have diabetes.
*Suppression of the immune system is a nearly universal prednisone side effect, and is related directly to its mechanism of use. This is usually not of clinical significance, but it can lead to delayed wound healing in postoperative patients.
*Acid dyspepsis, gastritis, and peptic ulcers are occasionally seen as prednisone side effects.

So, now I'm experiencing appetite increase, fluid retention, weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, bitchiness, and heart burn.  All of this on top of an uncontrollable cough which at times leads to urinal leakage; to stop this, I've stocked up on the favorite of all female adolescents who have just experienced their first period - maxi pads.  Damn!!!  And I thought 2012 was going to start off great!  Well, it can only go up from here, Divas!!!

1 comment:

  1. Check out a naturopath. What do you have to lose?
