Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow - Bring it On Bitches!!!

Snow, along with frost and ice, is in the air.  This would be so much fun if I didn't have to travel almost 100 miles per day on I-5 North.  Therefore,  I swung by a local tire business and had some studded snow tires installed on my rig yesterday.  Ahhh....much better to be safe than sorry meaning me pulling 180 degrees on the freeway and ending up in the ditch.  The only sign of concern?  My salesperson had the same name as my last ex-husband.....a cause for concern or simply a coincidence?  I'll judge that once spring rolls around!
Not gonna be me!

1 comment:

  1. Sad to say, but that was me a couple of years ago, except I hit the concrete barrier.
