Friday, June 1, 2012

Me and the NBA

As we know, when you are in a relationship you begin learning about different hobbies or activities that are not in your normal daily life.  Michael has learned about blogs, makeup and the Real Housewives on Bravo.  I've begun learning more and more about NBA basketball and you know what?  I like it!

Back in the middle school days I played basketball on the girl's team. Most notable in my b-ball career was when fellow classmate Robin slammed the ball so hard at me it broke my pinkie finger.  My career ended when we moved from small town Carson to big town Longview and learned one must "try out" to be on the team.  Try out?  Where I grew up, the town was so small everyone was welcomed to be on the team.  I also learned the new rules that it didn't matter how many practices you missed or how poorly you played - if you were on the team before or if your parents were big wigs, you were selected for the team.  Alas, outside of the occasional game of Horse, that was the end of my basketball fun in school.

So here I am now with a boyfriend who enjoys the NBA.  Especially the Oklahoma Thunder.  My thoughts initially were to sit back with a magazine and pass the time while Michael watched the game.  However, my interest in the game has begun to grow, especially my fascination with the variety of players.  Harden's magnificent beard.  Durant's ability to score.  Perkin's unintended impression of King Tut.  Parker's feminine voice. And who named their child Meta World Peace?  All this along with Michael's explanation of hoop rules and regulations (with a few chuckles in between) in order that I better understand the game.  Hey, it's been over 30 years since I had to remember the basketball rules so a remedial refresher is in order for this girl!

Here's to more NBA with my favorite guy in my future!!!  And perhaps a secret wish that Harden shaves his beard!!

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