Saturday, July 22, 2017

Nails, New Nummy, and Nostalgia

Friday I had lots of activities so at the last minute took it off from work.  Started out the day grocery shopping at Walmart. My cupboards were so bare and it feels good to have them and the frig stocked again.  Stopped by on my way home to Target to pick up a prescription and ended up browsing. Alas found nothing.

Ran home, unloaded, then met up with Mike at the Pho restaurant.  Never had it before and it was pretty damn good. Big bowl full of broth, vegetables, meat, and noodles, which of course had to be bypassed due to my low carb plan. But still very tasty. It came with a side of lime, bean sprouts, basil, and sliced chili pepper. I added a little bit of all but when I ate a seed from the pepper wowza!!  Serious hotness!!! Immediately removed that demon from my pho.

Stopped at Ross to look around, in search of an outfit for the evening.  Mike came with me; now he is very patient but having someone next to me while I clothing shop puts a damper in my retail meditation.  Just may have to stop by again today by myself so I can soak up some regular retail therapy.

After Ross went over to T-Nails for a manicure.  Very busy so told to return in 35 minutes. Mike and I then stopped at 8 to 28, a resale place I'd never been. Quite a large store with tons of items. No purchases but I will be stopping in there again.

Finally back to the nail place, Mike departed and my manicure began. I figured there would be time so I booked a pedicure too.  Alas, after my nail fill it was pushing 4pm, eating into my primping time for the evening so had to book it out of there to make it home. Am back this morning having a redo.

Last night I met up at Mikes house and we drove over to his 30th class reunion, which was held at The Regent but will always be thought of as The Woodshed, an old stomping ground from my twenties. He checked in and I said hello to a couple I actually knew....the only people the whole night.

The rest of the time, I hung out with Mike and observed the old cliques. Even without going to his school, I could spot the jocks, the cheerleaders, the loners, etc. They had a buffet dinner of nachos and Chinese food so I picked through for something to eat. Actually wasn't bad. Cheated a little by drinking 2 red beers.

The night was over by 10. Today is a bbq to attend as a continuation of his class reunion.  Sigh. No wonder I'm considered a good girlfriend!!

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