Monday, August 28, 2017

Clogged Drains Be Damned!

My hair is now officially shoulder length. Hasn't been this long in years and years. Going to keep it growing until it's on my back.

While longer hair is fun, there are a few drawbacks. Significantly more hair in the shower drain which leads to a clogging problem. Hair falling over my face when I'm trying to sleep. Much warmer during these hot summer days. But I'll bear out the bad with the good to return to long hair, which I haven't seen since 6th grade when I begged sister Luna to cut my hair short.  Was not a good decision.
I'm at No. 5 now 😊

Last night wrote out a list of chores to complete while I'm off work. Things like clean the garage, paint one of the bedrooms, and get the garage door fixed. I have an older neighbor behind me that is up every morning working in her yard. This morning she was already up scrubbing her back fence and weedeating, all the time jamming out to Willie Nelson slow tunes.  The woman puts me to shame so have got to get my butt in gear to at least meet her stamina.

Speaking of chores, after the Norwek party yesterday at Susans, I returned home with some sample cloths. One you got wet, rang out then washed your windows - wet rag only with no cleaner. The next one was a dry window polishing cloth. So inspired last night I washed my sliding glass door along with my front windows then used the polishing cloth on them - not an easy task since the cloths were sample size about 5 inches big. But boy did it work well! Clear, glistening, shiny glass!

Today is forecast to be 99 degrees. Do I perform chores, visit the river, or lounge around basking in the air conditioned goodness of my home?  Such choices!!

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